Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Hystory of the Department

Department was founded in April 1966.

The 60 years of the twentieth century were the years of active development of science and technology. New needs of industry, mining poses new challenges to researchers, the need has arisen for highly qualified professionals electromechanical profile that would have advanced training in electromechanical energy conversion, would be familiar with the latest developments in the theory of electrical machines and electrical materials.

It was in the 60s, the Electrical Engineering Department established on the basis of existing departments electrification of mining operations, production process automation, electrical engineering, as well as the establishment of other department EED - electrical machines, electric drive, industrial electronics and computing.

In science, it's a lot of young people. Gained weight, became even more well-known school of mining electricians DMI.

Initiated and the first head of the department of electrical machinery was Professor Kuvayev N.E. - a good organizer, a gifted teacher and tutor, a leading scholar of the scientific school of mining electricians. The creation of educational laboratories, their technical equipment and methodological support supervised A.M. Miroschnik, who headed the department in 1967.

Over the years, the department was headed by electrical machines such scholars:


Kuvayev Nikolay Efremovich(1900 - 1966), metallurgical engineer, mechanics, graduated in 1928, CMA, Ph.D. (1940), Professor (1963), worked in DMI in 1928 - 1966., Head of the department in 1966.


Miroschnik Alexander (1923 - 1999), a mining engineer-electrician, graduated from DMI in 1950 and Ph.D. (1953), Associate Professor (1961), worked in DMI in 1950 - 1986., Head of the department in 1967 - 1977.


Boris Dolgov (1936 - 1998), electrical engineer, graduated from the Kharkov Polytechnic Institute, Candidate of Technical Sciences (1975), Associate Professor (1976), worked in the DMI-NGAU in 1964 - 1998., Acting head of the department in 1981 - 1983 years.


Kuvayev Yury (born in 1938), mining electrical engineer, graduated from DMI in 1960 and Ph.D. (1969), Associate Professor (1969), works in DMI-NGAU since 1960, head of the department in 1977 - 1987  and in 1983 - 1998 years., Counsellor Head of the department.

Шкрабец Ф.П.

Shkrabets Fyodor Pavlovich (1949), mining electrical engineer, graduated from DMI in 1971, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1989), Professor (1990), Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, Head of the Department in 1998-2020.

Tsyplenkov Dmytro (born in 1975 ), electrical engineer, graduated from DMAU in 1997, PhD (2002), Associate Professor (2004), head of the department since 2020.

Veterans of the Department:
I.K. Koval (1927 - 1998) worked at the department in 1966 - 1998 years.
G.P. Petrenko (1915 - 2008) worked at the department in 1968 - 1983 years.
A.M. Miroschnik (1923 - 1999) worked at the department in 1966 - 1986 years., Head of the department in 1967 - 1977 years.
I.F. Cherechecha (1916 - 2008) worked at the department since its inception.



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