Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

International Projects

  • Every year university students, accompanied by tutors of the department have summer manufacture practice in Wroclaw (2 weeks), during which they are introduced to the leading laboratories of the European level and attend the leading industrial enterprises in Poland.
  • The purpose of the practice - to acquaint the SHEI "NMU" students with the state of the industry (electrical and mining) in Poland and the culture of the Republic of Poland.

    in bogatynja quarry

    The event is organized by electrical Faculty of Wroclaw Technical University "Wroclaw Polytechnic" and the Electrical Engineering Department of the Institute of Electric Power SHEI "NMU".

    In the spring of 2008 to the director of the Institute of Electric Power SHEI "NMU" offers of summer internships with the exchange students approached the dean of the Faculty of Electrical Technical University of Wroclaw "Wroclaw Polytechnic" Mariusz Soberaysky and professor of the Faculty of Zenon Okrashevsky. After the necessary documents were collected, in the summer of 2008 for 2 weeks arrived one group of Polish students (8 persons) accompanied by Professor Zenon Okrashevskogo. Then for 2 weeks in Poland has left a group of Ukrainian students. In the following years was determined the optimum number of students for practice - for 6 people on each side + attendant.

    in ZG1 mine

    Practice is held each summer since 2008.

    On the part of the WTU attendant - Professor Zenon Okrashevsky.

    On the part of the NMU attendants (in Poland for Ukrainian students and Ukraine to Polish students) - tutors of renewable energy department - Assoc. Tsiplenkov Dmitry, a senior lecturer Grebenuk Andrei, assistant Kirichenko Marina S.

    Responsible for carrying out the practice

    • On the part of the WTU - Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Professor Mariusz Soberaysky
    • On the part of the NMU - Director of Electrical Institute Professor Alexei Borisovich Ivanov
  • Together with the teutors of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences (Germany) is preparing the textbook "Fundamentals of Wind Energy"
  • Tutors of the department annually take part in scientific conferences with the participation of representatives of the United States, Germany, Poland, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan and other countries
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