Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Scientific Publications


Pivnyak GG Alternative energy in Ukraine [Text]: monograph. / G.G. Pivnyak, F.P. Shcrabets; Nat. horn. un-t. - D .: NGU, 2013 - 109 p.

The results of the analysis are presented and the energy potential of all types of non-traditional energy in the regions of Ukraine is assessed, as well as the possibilities of conversion, use and accumulation of energy from alternative sources are considered. It is shown that for the successful implementation of various non-traditional energy sources it is necessary to strengthen, and in some cases reconsider, comprehensive support for the interest of enterprises and organizations in the use of such sources, namely: legal, economic, technical support.

Designed for professionals involved in the development and operation of renewable and unconventional energy sources, as well as graduate students and students of electrical engineering.


Traditional and non-traditional energy supply systems of urbanized and industrial territories of Ukraine [Text]: monograph. / G.G. Pivnyak, OS Beshta, M.M. Tabachenko and others; under the general ed. G.G. Pivnyak. - D .: National Mining University, 2013 - 333 p.

The resource base of Ukraine is assessed and the directions of development of its energy potential are generalized, the directions of energy saving on the basis of traditional and non-traditional technologies in the urbanized and industrial territories of our state are established. Scientific principles of methods and technologies of energy conversion of non-traditional natural and man-made sources have been developed. The creation of principles of heat pump technologies for the use of groundwater for heating and water supply is scientifically substantiated. Geothermal energy production systems are presented. The formation of the system of use of natural and man-made energy flows in urban and industrial territories of Ukraine is considered.

Designed for a wide range of engineering and technical workers in the coal and energy industries, research and design organizations. It can be used in the educational process of higher educational and secondary professional institutions in the teaching of specialized mining disciplines.


Ecological and economic components of the use of geotechnical systems of Ukraine [Text] / monograph. / Under the general. ed. G.G. Pivnyak. - D .: National Mining University, 2011 - 223 p.

A methodological approach to the integrated use of geotechnical systems of Ukraine, based on economic assessment and environmental components of implementation. It is substantiated that the basis of energy security is coal, and the research of this monograph is aimed at improving the technology of its development. Recommendations for the enrichment and processing of energy and mineral raw materials with variable quality composition, focusing on the complexity and selectivity of their use. An approach to energy supply and power supply of underground consumers of ore and coal mines is proposed. 

The monograph is intended for a wide range of engineering and technical workers of the coal and energy industries, research and design organizations. Can be used in the educational process of higher education and secondary vocational institutions in the teaching of specialized mining disciplines. 


Varenyk Ye.O. Ensuring safety and efficiency of mine electrical installations [Text] / Ye.O. Varenyk, S.I. Vipanasenko, VS Dziuban, N.A. Shidlovskaya, FP Scrape. - D .: National Mining University, 2004 - 334 p.

The results of creating a protective tripping device for district networks with voltage up to 1200 V, theoretical justification and practical implementation of the method of determining the phase of the network with damaged insulation, the results of developing a method and device for measuring capacitance and automatic adjustment of capacitive leakage and schematic diagrams of leakage current protection system for mine networks with a voltage of 1200 V.

The influence of neutral grounding on the components of emergency currents and zero sequence parameters in single-phase earth faults in 6 kV distribution networks, the nature and degree of influence of network insulation parameters relative to ground on the values ​​and mutual phase ratios of zero sequence parameters and emergency currents at different currents. . The developed methods and device of continuous control and measurement of active resistance of isolation and capacity concerning the earth based on imposing on a network of bi-frequency operational signals, and also the new principle of action and the device of selective protection against asymmetric damages are resulted. Ways to ensure the safety and energy efficiency of mine electric locomotive transport with inductive energy transfer are also presented.

For specialists working in the coal industry, as well as for graduate students and students of electrical engineering specialties of mining universities and faculties.


Pivnyak GG Systems of efficient energy supply of coal mines [Text] / Pivnyak GG, Shkrabets FP, Zaika VT, Razumny Yu.T. - D .: National Mining University, 2004 - 206 p.

The problem of development of scientific and methodological bases of power supply and power saving for the objects of the electric complex of the coal mine, as well as their reliability and safety is considered. Substantiation of principles of decomposition of power supply systems according to the level of generalization of electric loads is given, new properties and character of dependences of technical and economic indicators of mine heterogeneous electric networks concerning accuracy of definition of estimated electric loadings are revealed. on production sites and the limits of the regulatory capacity of energy-intensive installations, new approaches to energy control of mining equipment at underground works are substantiated.

For specialists working in the coal industry, as well as for graduate students and students of electrical engineering specialties of mining universities and faculties. 

Shcrabets F.P. Power supply of deep and energy-intensive ore and coal mines. Monograph [Text] / F.P.Shcrabets, О.V. Ostapchuk; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; Nat. min. un. - D .: NMU, 2014.– 157 p.

Taking into account the prospects for the development of enterprises for the extraction of minerals by underground means, increasing the efficiency of power supply of deep horizons of the mine can be achieved by shifting to a higher voltage class at least supply (trunk) mine networks. This measure involves the installation of a substation with a primary voltage of 35 kV directly in the mine, which in turn requires addressing a range of issues related to the technical implementation and creation of safe operating conditions for high-voltage electrical installations in mines.

For specialists working in the mining industry, as well as for graduate students and students of electrical engineering specialties of mining universities and faculties.

International scientific-practical conference on energy saving and energy efficiency - 2019. Collection of abstracts. Dnipro. NTU "DP". November 28-29, 2019

Discussion of problems of energy saving and energy efficiency, as well as current issues arising in the development and operation of electrical equipment, economic and environmental aspects of electricity, non-traditional and renewable energy sources

Materials are published in the editorial processing of the authors.



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