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Textbooks and manuals

Shkrabets FP Electrical engineering, basic electronics and microprocessor technology. Tutorial [Text] / F. Shkrabets, D. Tsyplenkov, Y. T-shirt, A. Ivanov, V. Panchenko, A. Kolb. - D. National Mining University, 2004 - 515 p.

The manual is in two sections. The first, "Electrical Engineering", dedicated to the DC electric current, single-phase and three-phase alternating current, the magnetic circuits and the laws of the electromagnetic field theory, electrical measurement. Presented laws Electromechanics and discusses the main types of electric cars - the transformer, asynchronous and synchronous AC machine and DC machine. The main results from the theory electric drive and the requirements and standards for the prevention of electric shock to persons.

The second section focuses on the basics of electronics and microprocessor technology. It outlines the key provisions of the processes in semiconductor devices, the device features and principle of operation of the main elements of the electronic equipment, the basics of digital technology and operation of microprocessor systems.

For students majoring in areas of the "Mining Engenering" and "Engineering Mechanics" of higher education institutions.

Shkrabets F. Collection of tasks in electrical engineering and electronics fundamentals [Text] / Shkrabets FP, Tsyplenkov DV - D: National Mining University, 2006 - 258 p.

The manual is intended for self-study students in the course of their studies of electrical engineering and electronics basics in practical terms (considering the application questions, problem solving).

The manual has the following structural features: compiled from 13 chapters, appendixes and a bibliography. In turn, each chapter has methodically building a motivated, first served basic formulas and equations on a specific topic of the course, then - a sufficient number of examples of common tasks with the basic provisions and formulas that facilitate the understanding of the program material, and finally - the objectives, intended for self-solutions

For university students who are studying in "Mining Engenering"

Pivnyak G.G. Electrical Machines: Tutorial [Text] / Pivnyak G., Dougan, V., Shkrabets F. - D. National Mining University, 2003 - 327 p.

The principles of construction and the basic theory and design of electrical machines the analysis of permanent and transient. The theory of electrical machines is based on the general theory of electromechanical energy conversion. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of power relations in the machines and their parameters

For students majoring in the direction of "Electrical Engineering" in higher education.

Tsiplenkov D. Design of electrical machines: Ouch. manual [Text] / D. Tsiplenkov, Y. Kuvayev, A. Ivanov, I. Kirillov. Ed. F. Shkrabts. - D.: National Mining University, 2008 - 325s. - Rus. language

The main approaches to the design and methods of computation dc electrical machines and induction motors are the development and repair of renewable robots. Powered by application of tribute komponovaniya and construction of machinery and general industrial explosion-proof performance.

Recommended for students who are studying in areas of training 0906 Electrical Engineering and 0922 Electromechanical

Oleksii B. Ivanov, Fedir P. Shkrabets, Jan Zawilak. Electrical generators driven by renewable energy systems. - Poland, Wroclaw, Wroclaw University of Technology, 2011

The book is devoted to electric generators used for conversion of energy obtained from renewable energy sources such as wind, water, geothermal heat.

The book is dedicated to the AC electric generators that are used for the conversion of energy from renewable energy sources such as wind, water, geothermal heat

Kolb Ant. Theory of electric drive: Manual [Text] / Ant.A. Kolb, A.Kolb - D. National Mining University, 2006 - 511 p.

The main problems of the theory of automated electric, its properties, static and dynamic characteristics of the open-loop and closed-loop systems, methods for controlling the origin and power calculation.

For students of higher educational establishments direction 0922 "Electromechanics". It may also be used by students in electrical engineering specialties, graduate students, researchers in the fields of design and operation of modern electric drive systems.

The Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of key terms and definitions in electrical engineering and electrical machines [Text] / Sost. Y. T-shirt. - D.: NHAU, 2001 - 216 p.

Dictionary contains about 950 Russian terms and definitions in electrical engineering, electrical machines and neighboring disciplines: electrical materials, electric drive and other translation into Ukrainian language as well as English equivalents, short forms and synonyms for having them in the standards

Designed for students in the study of self-control and knowledge of electrical engineering and electrical machines, as well as subjects in which there are such sections. Can be used by an electrician as a reference the terms and definitions of electrical Profile

Electrification of mining. Textbook for High Schools: In 2 Volumes [Text] / Ed. LA Puchkov and GG Pivnyak - Dnipropetrovsk National Mining University Press, 2010. - T. 1. - 503 p., Vol 2. - 599 p.

The authors - leading teachers of specialized university in Ukraine and Russia: G.G. Pivnyak, F.P. Shkrabets, V.T. Zaika, Y.T. Razumny, A.J. Rybalko (National Mining University of Ukraine) L.O. Beams, O.V. Lyahomsky, L.O. Plaschansky, M.I. Chebotaev, V.I. Schutskiy (Moscow State Mining University, Russia);

For students who are studying in the specialty areas of training Electrical Engineering, Electromechanical and Elektrotechnology. Can be used by students of other majors electricity, graduate students, as well as managers and scientists in the design and operation of electrification enterprises

This textbook develops the fundamentals: theory and practice of supply of mining companies, the effect on the electric power supply system, the complex issues of design, installation and operation of electrical Rudnikova. The textbook is made in the form of four sections according to the different specializations training mining engineers, electricians:
- Section 1. General questions electrification of mining;
- Section 2. Electrification of the open-pit mining;
- Section 3. Electrification of underground mining;
- Section 4. Electrification of urban underground construction.

Pivnyak GG Fundamentals of wind energy. Textbook [Text] / G. Pivnyak, F. Shkrabets, N. Neuberger, D. Tsyplenkov; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, NMU. - D .: NGU, 2015. - 335 p.

Materials on the nature and characteristics of wind, the development of wind energy in the world and in Ukraine, the physical basis of conversion and use of wind energy are presented. Different classes of wind power wind turbines, their structural schemes, characteristics and structures, as well as the construction of basic structural elements are considered. Considerable attention is paid to electric generators as wind energy converters, operating modes and connection diagrams of wind power plants, the principles of control and regulation of parameters of wind power plants. General issues of environmental impact and economic feasibility of wind energy are highlighted.

For students majoring in "Unconventional and Renewable Energy Sources" in the field of training "Electrical Engineering and Electrical Technology».

Methodical materials for laboratory and practical classes in disciplines

Електричні машини

  • ЕМ-1 (розділ: "Машини постійного струму")
  • ЕМ-2 (розділ: "Трансформатори")
  • ЕМ-3 (розділ: "Асинхронні машини")
  • ЕМ-4 (розділ: "Синхронні машини")
  • Electric machines

  • ЕМ-1 (section: DC Machines)
  • ЕМ-2 (section: "Transformers"))
  • ЕМ-3 (section "Induction machines")
  • ЕМ-4 (section "Synchronous Machines")
  • Електротехнічні матеріали

  • ЕТМ-1 (розділ: "Діелектричні матеріали")
  • ЕТМ-2 (розділ: "Магнітні матеріали")
  • Electrical materials

  • ETM-1 (section: "Dielectric materials")
  • ETM-2 (section: "Magnetic materials")
  • Теоретичні основи електротехніки (за розділами)

    Розділ 1: "Основи теорії кіл постійного струму"; "Основи теорії кіл гармонійного однофазного струму"

  • ТОЕ-1 – лабораторні роботи
  • ТОЕ-1 – практичні заняття
  • Розділ 2: "Трифазні кола", "Полігармонічні струми й напруги у однофазних і трифазних колах", "Перехідні процеси у лінійних електричних колах"

  • ТОЕ-2 – лабораторні роботи
  • ТОЕ-2 – практичні заняття
  • Розділ 3: «Нелінійні електричні кола постійного і змінного струмів", "Магнітні кола", "Перехідні процеси в колах з нелінійними елементами"

  • ТОЕ-3 – лабораторні роботи
  • ТОЕ-3 – практичні заняття
  • Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering (by sections)

    Section 1: "Fundamentals of the theory of DC circuits"; "Fundamentals of the theory of harmonic single-phase currents"

  • TFEE-1 - laboratory work
  • TFEE-1 - practical classes
  • Section 2: "Three-phase circuits", "Polyharmonic currents and voltages in single-phase and three-phase circuits", "Transients in linear electric circuits"

  • TFEE-2 - laboratory work
  • TFEE-2 - practical classes
  • Section 3: "Nonlinear electric circuits of direct and alternating currents", "Magnetic circuits", "Transients in circuits with nonlinear elements"

  • TFEE-3 - laboratory work
  • TFEE-3 - practical classes
  • Основи метрології та електричні вимірювання

  • ОМЕВ (Основи метрології та електричні вимірювання)
  • Fundamentals of metrology and electrical measurements

  • FMЕМ (Fundamentals of metrology and electrical measurements)
  • Основи вітроенергетики

  • ОВЕ (Основи вітроенергетики)
  • Спеціальні питання електричних машин

  • СПЕМ (Спеціальні питання електричних машин)
  • Special issues of electric machines

  • SIEM (Special issues of electric machines)
  • Електротехніка; Електротехніка та основи електроніки

  • ЕТ-1 (розділи: "Електричні кола" та "Основи електроніки")
  • ЕТ-2 (розділ: "Електричні машини")
  • Основи електропостачання гірничих підприємств

  • ЕТ-3 (розділ: "Основи електротехніки")
  • Інформаційні системи обліку енергії

  • ІСОЕ-д (Для студентів денної форми навчання)
  • ІСОЕ-з (Для студентів заочної форми навчання)
  • Основи електроенергетики та галузева термінологія

  • 035-д (Для студентів денної форми навчання)
  • 035-з (Для студентів заочної форми навчання)
  • Методичні вказівки до та оформлення студентських робіт

  • МЕТОДИЧНІ РЕКОМЕДАЦІЇ з підходів до виконання та оформлення студентських робіт (реферати, курсові роботи та проекти, звіти з практик)

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