Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Department today

The main purpose of the department is to provide students with deep theoretical knowledge and the necessary practical skills and abilities in the disciplines taught, to use them in the process of further study and in production activities in the chosen specialty. Technical condition and equipment of laboratories meet the requirements of the educational process and the level of equipment of similar laboratories of leading higher education institutions.

The department was established in April 1966 in accordance with the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education № 199 of 05.04.66 on the reorganization of the departments of the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute as a general electrical engineering field. On the basis of this order from September 1, 1966 the department of general electrical engineering was divided into two departments: electrical engineering and electric machines (order on DGI № 164-l of April 8, 1966). The establishment of the department was due to the need to improve electrical training of students in electromechanical energy conversion, taking into account the latest advances in the theory of electrical machines and electrical materials, as well as to study new technical solutions in design, construction and production of modern and advanced electrical machines and devices.

 In the first years after the creation of the department the team created and modernized the educational and laboratory base, developed textbooks and guidelines for laboratory workshops and course design, introduced technical means of teaching and control of students' knowledge.

In 1976, a radical reconstruction of the laboratory of electric machines was completed, as a result of which the level of technical equipment and other capabilities, it fully met the requirements of practical training of electrical professionals. In subsequent years, the necessary educational and methodological materials were prepared and implemented in the educational process, including four collections of guidelines for laboratory work, guidelines for course projects in the sections "DC machines", "Transformers", "Asynchronous actuators" , as well as guidelines for performing tests for part-time students. All this allowed to create a modern and now educational laboratory of electric machines by the end of the 70's, which allows conducting a laboratory workshop on the main sections of the discipline "Electric Machines": DC machines, asynchronous machines, transformers and synchronous machines.

 In 1985, a new laboratory of electrical materials was established, equipped with eight universal laboratory tables and one high-voltage test rig; modern means of measuring parameters and studying the properties of electrical materials, as well as specially made colorful posters, which show the classification, areas of application of electrical materials, the main characteristics of electrical insulating materials, etc. Relevant educational and methodical literature has been developed in the discipline "Electrical Materials".

 In 2011, in connection with obtaining a license to provide educational services related to higher education at the educational - qualification levels of specialist and master in specialty 7 (8) .05070107 "Non-traditional and renewable energy sources", the department became a graduate and by order of the rector, its name was changed - the Department of Renewable Energy Sources.

 Today the department has a highly qualified teaching staff, which includes: winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology, three doctors of technical sciences - professors, seven candidates of technical sciences - associate professors. All teachers are leading scientists who actively carry out research and development in the field of electrical engineering and electrical technology, including renewable energy sources.

 The department has three professionally specialized modern laboratories, which are equipped with existing training and testing stands; There are two classes of PCs connected to a network with Internet access. In the process of research work, a number of installations for the educational process and research stands with the use of renewable energy sources were created. The department has a mini-photovoltaic power plant, solar collector and wind power plant.

During the period of study at the university, our students receive:

  • thorough computer, general technical and technological training for work on electrical and energy installations using renewable energy sources, as well as on traditional electric power facilities; ability to use modern information technologies for the management of energy facilities using renewable and traditional energy sources;
  • deep knowledge of the theory and practice of various energy converters (wind, solar, low-potential geothermal, small river energy, secondary energy resources of industrial enterprises and other non-traditional and renewable energy sources), as well as related disciplines: electrical engineering, industrial electronics and mechanics, mechanics automatic control and regulation systems, microprocessor and computer technology and information technology, etc.;
  • ability to design, construct, implement, construct and operate electrical and energy installations that use traditional and renewable energy sources for energy supply of industrial, municipal and household, agricultural facilities and own buildings or structures;
  • skills of research work to create new types of heat and power generation equipment using both traditional and renewable energy sources;
  • skills of management, marketing and audit in market conditions of electric power facilities and power plants based on renewable and traditional energy sources;
  • students studying at the educational - qualification level "master", at the time of admission to the master's degree must have publications and reports at conferences of various levels;
  • the best students undergo internships and internships abroad (in Poland and Germany).
  • Thorough and comprehensive training of our specialists opens up great opportunities for employment in all energy divisions: in renewable energy plants, thermal power plants, in institutions dealing with ecology and energy saving, in heat and power supply systems, industrial, agricultural and agricultural enterprises. , research and design institutions of energy. Primary positions of graduates: electrical engineer, electrical engineer, design engineer, engineer for adjustment, testing and repair of electrical equipment, design engineer, research engineer, researcher, specialist in the use of non-conventional and secondary energy sources of industrial production.



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