Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Dmynro Tsyplenkov

(Born in 1975)

PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering

He graduated from the State Mining Academy of Ukraine in 1997.

Specialty "Electric drive and automation of industrial plants and technological complexes", qualification "electromechanical engineer"

Ph.D. (2002) Thesis topic - "Surveillance devices in asynchronous electric drive with vector control" in the specialty 05.09.03 - "Electrical systems and systems" Associate Professor since 2004.


Research interests:

Electric machines, wind energy, renewable energy

Profile address:

ORCID: 0000-0002-0378-5400

Scopus Author ID: 55998534500

Web of science ResearcherID: C-4358-2018



Main publications:

Shkrabets, F.P., Tsyplenkov, D.V., Kolb, A.A., Grebenuk, A.N. and Panchenko, V.I. "Improved Design of Low-Speed Inductor Generator for Wind Turbines with Vertical Axis of Rotation", Journal Article Mechanics, Materials Science & Engineering, 15, 2018, ISSN: 2412-5954..

Justification of the optimum operation of electromechanical system for production and distribution of pressurized air / O.V. Bobrov, D. V.Tsyplenkov, A. M. Grebeniuk, M.S.Kyrychenko // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету : НГУ, 2019. – № 2. – С. 132 – 137.

Ципленков Д.В. Анализ ветровых потоков в условиях породных хвостохранилищ/ Д.В. Ципленков, А.А. Суворкін // Наук.-техн. збірник Гірнича електромеханіка та автоматика. Д.: 2017. Вип. 98. С. 74 - 78.

Ципленков Д.В. Проблемы электрических систем с распредленной генерацией/ Д.В. Ципленков, А.А. Суворкін // Наук.-техн. збірник Гірнича електромеханіка та автоматика. Д.: 2018. Вип. 100. С. 14 - 19.

Мещеряков Л.І. Програмне забезпечення інформаційної системи розрахунку основних параметрів сонячних установок / Л.І. Мещеряков, Д.В. Ципленков, Я.К. Жарко // Гірнича електромеханіка та автоматика : наук.-техн. зб. : НГУ, 2018. – № 100. – С. 108-115.

Вплив внутрішніх і перехресних зворотних зв'язків на динаміку частотно-регульованого асинхронного електроприводу / А.А. Колб, Ант.А. Колб, Д.В. Ципленков, А.В. Бобров // Гірнича електромеханіка та автоматика : наук.-техн. зб. : НГУ, 2019. – № 101. – С. 21-24.

Бобров А.В. Сравнительный анализ результатов моделирования электромеханических систем «электрическая сеть – привод – компрессор – пневмосеть» различной производительности / А.В. Бобров, А.А. Колб, Д.В. Ципленков // Гірнича електромеханіка та автоматика : наук.-техн. зб. : НГУ, 2019. – № 101. – С. 75-78.

Justification of the optimum operation of electromechanical system for production and distribution of pressurized air / O.V. Bobrov, D.V.Tsyplenkov, A.M.Grebeniuk, M.S.Kyrychenko // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету : НГУ, 2019. – № 2. – С. 132 – 137.

The total number of publications is 52, including:

- Monographs -2

- Textbooks, manuals - 6;

- Articles in publications with a high impact facto - 4;

- Articles in professional journals - 28;

- methodical developments – 11;

- patents and copyright certificates – 1;

Participation in the certification of researchers as an official opponent

Official opponent of the applicant Baliychuk O.Yu., Ph.D., 05.22.09, defense 24.12.2015, specialized academic council D 08.820.01 at Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan. R&D "Improving the service life of auxiliary vehicles of AC electric trains"

Official opponent of the applicant Nemudry I.Yu., Ph.D. 05.09.03, defense 18.12.2015, specialized academic council D.08.080.07 at the State University "National Mining University". R&D: "Improving the efficiency of the electromechanical system of wind turbines with aerodynamic multiplication"

Official opponent of the applicant Novikov VF, Ph.D., 05.22.09, defense 30.06.2016, specialized academic council D 08.820.01 at Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan. R&D "Determination of rational parameters of a traction linear motor for high-speed electric vehicles".

Official opponent of the applicant Drubetsky A.Yu., Ph.D., 05.22.09, defense 24.03.2018, specialized academic council D 08.820.01 at Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan. Theme of the work "Improvement of the system of mutual loading of traction motors of direct and pulsating current".

Guide to graduate students

Suvorkin Alexander Alexandrovich - since 2017

· Tsiplenkov DV Analysis of wind flows in the conditions of rock tailings / D.V. Ципленков, А.А. Suvorkin // Nauk.-tekhn. collection Mining electromechanics and automation. D .: 2017. Vip. 98. pp. 74 - 78.

· Tsiplenkov DV Problems of electrical systems with distributed generation / D.V. Ципленков, А.А. Suvorkin // Nauk.-tekhn. collection Mining electromechanics and automation. D .: 2018. Vip. 100. pp. 14 - 19

Disciplines taught


Electrical engineering (for 131, 132, 133, 274 specialties)

Fundamentals of wind energy (141st specialty)

Electric machines (for 141 specialties)

Basics and terminology in the field of electric power (for 035th specialty)


Mathematical, computer and physical modeling in energy (for 141 specialty)

Microprocessor control and protection systems (for 141 specialties)

Postgraduate Studies (141st Specialty)

Scientific problems of development of electric power and electromechanics

Problems of construction and operation of complex distributed generation systems

Power supply systems and electrical equipment of powerful technological and technical complexes with special operating conditions

Room. 1/43. tel. (056) 370-13-92 

E-mail: tsyplenkov.d.v@nmu.one



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